Teenage, the phase where it all begins! Life is at its most wondrous; music, icons, friends, parties, infatuations, and clothes. And at its most torturous as well; peer pressure, raging hormones, agonizing over grades, and crying over broken hearts. Through this chaos, confusion, and the puberty mood swings, a teenager craves understanding. So, what can you do to extend support?
Help your teenager deal with puberty mood swings
Remember, it’s hormones at play
Teen hormones affect your child’s moods, emotions, and impulses as well as their body. The fluctuations in estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone hormones produced by the body cause puberty mood swings. As a parent, you should understand that your teen’s mood swings are not always under their control. So instead of getting angry at them, put out a helping hand. Assure them that they can talk to you about their issues. Help them in resolving their bad moods or feelings. After all, you may have also been through what they are going through right now.
Encourage a healthy diet and lifestyle
A healthy body leads to a healthy mind. Teenagers may tend to forget the importance of eating right and at the right time. Their hyperactive lifestyles, habits, and carefree attitudes don’t push them to pay attention to what they are eating. They end up eating junk food that has an adverse effect on their physical and mental health. Hunger and lack of nutrition are causes enough for a bad mood. As parents, you can concentrate on making the food interesting while maintaining the nutritional value. A teenager’s body is also undergoing changes, which needs the right nutrition. Ensure that your teenager eats right to have the right frame of mind.
Do away with anger and harsh responses
Your teen’s moods may evoke reactions and emotions in you. But you need to be mentally and emotionally strong enough to wade through them. There may be moments when you feel agitated at them. In such situations, calm yourself down first and remind yourself that it is their passing phase. Shouting or getting angry with them may not help. Anger and harsh words as a reaction can cause more damage to their fragile ego and self-esteem. So, remember to fix your own negative emotions before teaching them about how to handle theirs.
Set clear and firm boundaries on acceptable behaviour
As a parent, you may feel tempted to give in to your teenager’s demands and allow this phase to pass without setting too many rules. While this may work for a while, a better way is to be kind but firm. Giving in to everything your child demands might put them in a bubble. And unfortunately, many times such bubbles don’t get busted even when your little ones grow up to be adults. That’s why, it is important to set healthy boundaries of acceptable behaviour.
Children who are never questioned about anything are unable to understand the idea of boundaries even after they grow up. They tend to develop habits such as overeating, gambling, and drinking to name a few. Do remember that making these rules together with your teen is the best way to teach them the importance of healthy boundaries.
Listen to your teenager
Take the time to listen to them and understand their point of view. Many times, teenagers may feel like no one understands what they are going through. As parents, listening and empathizing are paramount to helping your teen avoid mood swings and achieve a healthy emotional balance. So sit down with your little one and talk about what is bothering them.
Give your teenager space – but don’t go too far away
Locked doors, wanting to be alone, wanting their privacy, annoyance over interruptions, are all signs of teenage. As a parent, you must try to understand this need that your teenager has. Give them assurance that you are always available whenever they need you. Stand aside and allow them to make their decisions. And also let them know that you are always there to help them stand tall when they falter. It is helpful to act as their friend. They would want to share things with you which can make the situation easy and understandable for you as well as your young adult.
Teenage years are trying and confusing for the adult and the child. These are the years in which your child can learn to deal with their puberty mood swings. These understandings can set an appropriate path for their future. Relationships cemented in these years result in life-long happiness and confident adults. Be the parent who understands their child’s issues and concerns. Take the time to create this happy and long lasting bond.
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