Welcome 2022 The Healthy Way

Welcome 2022 The Healthy Way

This Yin Yoga with Chakra Meditation session guided by an expert in the field, Sneha Desai will help you care for your mind, body and soul.
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The Yin Yoga movement has gained popularity recently, thanks to masters like Sneha Desai who have championed Yin alongside more dynamic Yoga styles. With the fresh start to the year, a yoga and meditation practice could help ground you, calm your nerves, stretch out any tightness, and be a ticket to a happier life.  

What is Yin Yoga? 

Yin is a slow-paced style of yoga where each posture is held for a longer period of time. Your body is supported with props to allow you to relax, breathe into the stretches and centre yourself.  

Yin Yoga
Yin Yoga
What are the benefits of Yin Yoga? 

The benefits stem from stimulating energetic pathways that run through the body and are listed below. 

  • Reduces stress and anxiety 
  • Helps to promote mindfulness 
  • Improves joint mobility 
  • Improves flexibility 
  • Elongates and stretches tight muscles 
  • Can promote feelings of deep calm 
 What is Chakra Meditation? 

Chakra Meditation is a blanket term for a type of meditation that clears blocked chakras and harnesses the power of energy centres located through the body. It instils calmness and relaxation to encourage spiritual awakening. If your goal is to feel more balanced, or even have an easier time falling asleep, Chakra Meditation is for you. 

What are the benefits of Chakra Meditation? 

Chakra meditation involves tapping into your seven chakras and accessing the power associated with each chakra. It builds a beautiful strong spiritual connection within oneself.  

  1. Ease anxiety 
  2. A clearer and more focused mind. 
  3. Increase self-worth. 
  4. Greater ability to heal yourself. 
Our Master Sneha Desai  

Sneha Desai has been a student of yoga since 2004 and has obtained her RYS 400 Hours TTC under the guidance of her mentor Shilpa Ghatalia, at Yogshakti, Kuala Lumpur in 2013, which was an absolute life-transforming experience for her. Since then, she has never looked back. She has found her forte in Yin and Yang Yoga & has been teaching this lesser-known yogic practice in Mumbai since 2014. A rare form of yoga being practiced there, she soon started spreading the teachings of Yin, which was very well received by her students, and some of them are still practising with her. To practice this form of yoga under her guidance, watch this free session below courtesy ThinkRight.me.

In a live yoga workshop at 9:30am on the 1st of January 2022, Sneha Desai will address your alignment and flexibility-related issues and teach you simple Yin postures and Chakra Meditation via Zoom to improve your overall health and lifestyle. 

 Join her at Kamala Nehru Park or from the comfort of your home via Zoom (link available on Instagram DM) bright and early for an interactive Surya Namaskar routine as a quick warm up. Registrations are open for everyone free of cost, so don’t miss out on the opportunity! 

Head to the ThinkRight.me app for more such exclusive sessions from our experienced masters.

Read more: TRM Meditation Of The Week: Lotus Thread – Vigyaan Bhairav Tantra

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